Garrett-Keyser-Butler CSD has decided to participate in the Indiana Youth Survey.  This is a voluntary survey.  Responses will not be linked to specific children.  

About the Survey: 

The Indiana Youth Survey, previously known as the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use Survey, has been serving Indiana schools and communities since 1991. Funded by the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction, the survey is administered in the spring of even-numbered years, free of charge, in any Indiana school that wishes to participate. The self-report survey asks students in grades 6-12 a variety of questions about substance use, mental health, gambling, and potential risk and protective factors for these behaviors.

The survey is administered by the Institute for Research on Addictive Behavior at Indiana University-Bloomington, which was housed within the Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC) prior to 2017

Purpose of the Survey:

The Indiana Youth Survey is conducted for two purposes:

  • To provide local schools and their communities with valid estimates of the prevalence of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among their students, as well as mental health, gambling behaviors, and levels of risk and protective factors present in the students’ lives.
  • To provide the State of Indiana with similar estimates of prevalence on a statewide basis.

Middle School Survey - Grades 6 - 8 

 High School Survey Grades 9-12 

 Garrett is opting into the mental health module - 

 More information about the Indiana Youth Survey can be found here: 

 If you have any questions about the survey, please reach out to Renee Hood at or at 260-357-3185.